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Boosterdraft Magic tournament at getDigital

Working with a bunch of nerds definitely has a lot of advantages - one of them is that you can organize very cool company events :) Yesterday, for example, we simply moved a few pallets aside in our warehouse and organized a Boosterdraft Magic tournament.

I'm sure I don't have to explain what this is to experienced Magic players, but for those of you who have only ever played Magic casually with friends: You buy one or more displays with a really large number of boosters and then distribute the cards from them among all the participants in the tournament according to certain rules. Then everyone has to put together their deck from these cards, other cards are forbidden.

Incidentally, until yesterday we actually had colleagues who had never played Magic :O I don't know how they managed the interview ;) Of course, we had to do something about it and our Magic pro Bastian has written a pretty cool guide: Magic Boosterdraft for Beginners. By the way, if any of you don't know Magic, you should definitely check it out. refresh your nerd knowledge.

Of course, a tournament like this takes a relatively long time, as you first have to distribute the cards and then create decks before you can play, so we didn't actually get home until 2 o'clock at night. Next time we might prefer to do it on a Friday evening, otherwise you might not always get your orders as punctually as usual (but don't worry, we sent everything out on time today too!). Here are a few impressions of yesterday evening:

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