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R2D2 Piggy Bank

22,95 DKK
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Description R2D2 Piggy Bank

I sense great saving potential in you, Skywalker! You possess Peggat, you possess Wupiupi, but you do not save the money...
Of course, Luke did not save his money, because he also didn't have an R2D2 Piggy Bank, just like you will soon have.
R2D2 completes every task without complaining and absolutely reliably: Whether as an alarm clock, USB hub or cookie jar, no mission is too unworthy for him, he completes everything with the highest priority - now he even works as a piggy bank! Expand your R2D2 collection and entrust him with your Peggats, Wupiupis, and Truguts. He will also take Euros in a pinch. Just not gold-pressed Latinum, because first of all, it doesn't fit through his slot and secondly, there are no Ferengi in Star Wars.
Luke, you can save the money, he foresaw it! It is your destiny! Join me, together we can fill the piggy bank as father and son!
Gone are the days when you had to smash piggy banks (often found in pig form back then) with a hammer: At the bottom of R2D2 there is a simple screw cap, which allows you to take money out at any time to invest it in other nice things at getDigital (e.g., more R2D2 products).
Save or save not. There is no try!
If R2D2 is ever empty, you can still use the 28cm high plastic figure as a decoration or toy. The little robot is definitely an eye-catcher.

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