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For some reason, scientific terms tend to leave many people in awe – even frightened at times. For example, if you were to tell your colleagues tha...
View full detailsNo wonder protons are such strong forces of attraction - their positivity is irresistible. And it's the same thing with people, so why don't you ta...
View full detailsLet’s talk about dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO). This colourless and odourless chemical is extremely dangerous and yet we all come into contact with it...
View full detailsPatience is a virtue, they say. But they never tell you how to become patient and achieve a state of absolute relaxation. So it looks like we've go...
View full detailsEverything used to be better back in the day – all you had to do was remember four elements! Since antiquity, however, not only has the definition ...
View full detailsIt's the small things that make us happy... For chemists it's the good old periodic table. You probably already know it by heart, but it ...
View full detailsAt first glance, Batman and chemistry don't have much in common – except maybe that both are more popular with nerds than with the average populati...
View full detailsWhen the gel in your Plantarium Super or your Plantarium Garden Lab has run out and you have either repotted or eaten your plants, you can simply s...
View full detailsNo matter how bad your mood is, a dose of radioactivity is sure to make you glow! This sticker can not only be used as a warning on the nuclear rea...
View full detailsStar Trek was –(and still is) –ahead of its time. Spock and co. in The Original Series were the first to give us touchscreens, flip-phone communica...
View full detailsTo answer the question about life, the universe and everything else, you don't need a huge computer or millions of years of time. Chemistry can pro...
View full detailsHas your colleague eaten your lunch out of the fridge again? Or has your roommate not cleaned the bathroom or kitchen for a while? It's high time t...
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